The Thanet Coast Project works with local people to help safeguard the wildlife and the coastlines’ unique features, and is reliant upon donations and grants – from public contributions to local businesses to keep going. Please help support local coastal and marine conservation wildlife with any donations to help our coastal and marine conservation activities. If you would like to sponsor a project please do get in touch.
Health: We would like you to be vigilant and safe on our coast: here’s the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) information; local and national Bird Flu advice; and bathing water quality classifications / results for you to take into account.
Order: Thanet ‘Beaches and Coast Public Space Protection Order’ (PSPO) replaced the former coastal bylaws in 2021 and is supported by the Beach & Coast PSPO code of conduct. Beach & Coast Code of Conduct Beach Leaflet (PDF, 7.1MB) ; & Coast PSPO Sign.
Codes: You can help reduce your impact on the coast by following the voluntary Thanet Coastal Codes for different recreational activities.
Thanet Coast Project’s Public events: Look at WHAT’S ON
Competition: East Kent Coast Photographic Competition = Exhibitions
Self guidance: Scavenger & Eggcase Hunt – see in learning zone
Advice: Advice for Rockpooling Responsibly
Online: ‘Virtual Seashore Safaris‘ (Series of 5 short videos)
Leaflet / Guidance: Rockpooling Fun (PDF Booklet) to help you explore our coast
Notify: Planning a School or Group Excursion (or Beach Clean) to the Thanet Coast – and notification scheme for landowner permission, advice on trips and view the free on-line educational resources (& toolkits for four of our local bays)
Notify: Beach Clean Advice is available online – and a direct link to the notifications
Notify: Metal Detecting Notification on the Thanet Coast
Advice: Shellfish Rules poster (Thanet Coast) and Shellfish research (harvesting/collecting)
Advice: Dog walking on the Thanet coast
Advice: Seal and Boat Trips & reporting marine life
Notify: Fly Tipping (Thanet Council)
Notify: Graffiti (Thanet Council)
Notify: Dog Fouling (Thanet Council)
Notify: Other possible reports (Thanet eg Anti-social behaviour; Noise nuisance, Fly posting; Stray dogs)
Online Donations! If you are able to help with a donation – then please do help to support the Thanet Coast Project work & volunteers.
Volunteering as a Coastal Warden/Guardian (NE Kent) from Seasalter and Whitstable to Sandwich Bay. You can register and receive free introductory training to help ‘look after your local bay or stretch of coastline’.
Beach Cleans on the Thanet Coast: You can organise your own group beach clean – and submit an online notification for permission – or find a group in your area.
Follow the Thanet Coastal Codes to help safeguard coastal marine and bird life whilst enjoying the coast.
Return of the Turnstone: How you can help our coastal birds this winter!
Managing the North East Kent Coast – management and action
Marine Planning around the southeast (MMO)
‘Making a Buzz for the Coast’ partnership project 2017-21
‘Guardians of the Deep’ partnership project 2017-20
Thanet Coast MCZ designation – a closer look (DEFRA, Nov 2013/19)
Coastal Warden Lester Hovenden’s guide to Thanet Coast’s Sealife (series 1-7)
‘Life on the Edge’ – Coastal Plants
Highlighting a Coastal Code = ‘Fossils on our coast‘
Latest coastal news from around the Thanet Coast
The Thanet Coast Project gratefully acknowledges public donations, and donations from Natural England, Haeckels of Margate (2020-22 & 2024/25), and Southern Water (2022-24) – to ensure that we can continue our remit and work.