Welcome to our informal learning zone with different ideas and information for learning on the Thanet Coast. In addition, you can join in on our coastal events; or learn how you can help reduce your impact on wildlife by following the Thanet Coastal Codes or by following rockpooling advice (below).
Rockpooling Responsibly!
This short film and document provides guidelines for rockpooling on the Thanet Coast – and was made as our contribution towards national Marine Week 2020
Rockpooling Fun – booklet
This new booklet is to help families explore the chalk reef for shore life that lives around the Thanet coast – either during a Seashore Safari (public event) or by themselves inspired by the virtual Seashore Safari films (above).
Produced with support from National Lottery Heritage Fund, as part of the Guardians of the Deep project
Virtual Seashore Safaris
These short films have been produced by Thanet Coast volunteers to show some of the marine creatures found around the Thanet Coast (NE Kent Marine Protected Area). These films were produced when coronavirus access restrictions prevented us from running our usual public events – so have given a few of us the opportunity to rockpool for you – and find and show some of our varied and fascinating shorelife. Many thanks to Greg Bessant for taking the lead in filming and production, with support from the project team.
Virtual Seashore Safaris (issued throughout August 2020) – view online:
Thanet Coast Shorelife booklet – for children
The project team of volunteers have completed a ‘Children’s folder’ with some basic information on 20 species from around the Thanet Coast. These booklets are available from the Margate Visitor Information Centre shop, Margate Harbour (CT9 1JD) for £6.00 each.
Sample Pages (A4, landscape) – Contents list; Shanny; Velvet Swimming Crab; Rockpooling Advice
Use the pack to explore for items washed up along our shoreline – these provide vital clues of the marine life from around our coast. Follow the pack instructions and try the challenge – and there’s an additional BeachArt challenge at the end.
This family pack is suitable for encouraging infant and primary school ages to get involved, with the whole family working together! This pack is aimed at helping family groups run their own Scavenger Hunt to explore the ‘strandline’ – or high tide mark – for clues and evidence of life from our ocean and from along our coastline – and in particular the ‘eggcases’ or mermaid’s purses of our local skates, rays and sharks!
The pack has been produced for use in 2021 – where coronavirus restrictions allow for family groups, or the ‘rule of 6’ outside – to explore the coast. It has been produced with the help of Thanet Coast volunteers – with special mention to Coastal Warden Mandy Jarvis.
Scavenger & Eggcase Hunt Pack
(Thanet Coast, PDF 2.8MB) – click above link to view
Try a Coastal Explorer – tracker pack!
For as little as £5.00, you can hire a Coastal Explorer packs – which is filled with equipment to help you discover our rich heritage stories and natural coastline. You can learn essential explorer skills such as how to make a sundial and use a compass, or delve into the bag for the marine identification gear and become a real rocky shore researcher! Everything you need is in the pack and contains enough resources for at least half a day of awesome adventure.
Thanet Coast – Seashore Life
This series of information sheets that have been drawn up by Lester Hovenden (Coastal Warden) for interpretation at the Thanet Coast ‘Seashore Safaris’. We are forever grateful to Lester’s contribution to the project.
1 – Common Crabs (370KB, PDF)
2 – Inshore Fish (369KB, PDF)
3 – Inshore fish rarities (423KB, PDF)
4 – Jellyfish (905KB, PDF)
5 – Cuttlefish & Squid (417KB, PDF)
6 – Animals, not plants! (801KB, PDF)
7 – Crab sexes (139KB, PDF – image only)