Projects and issues

A plethora of projects – past and present

NEKMPA Management Scheme & Action Plans 

The main project work has been led by the original North East Kent European Marine Site (NE Kent Marine Protected Area) Management Scheme launched in 2001 – with subsequent 6-year Action Plans – including the latest for 2019-24.

2001-6: View the original Management Scheme
2007-12: Managing the North East Kent Coast (activity tables / action plan)
Managing the NE Kent Coast – Summary Leaflet (1,819KB)
2013-18: Action Plan
2019-24: Action Plan (PDF, 149KB)
These actions have included numerous projects – from the development of advisory groups and research, to setting up and training of volunteer Coastal Wardens, to educational project work and events, and has included the development of the first set of Codes of Conduct for different recreational activities for a Marine Protected Area in the UK:

The Thanet Coastal Codes

In addition, over the years there have been many types of projects and programmes of activities, and the list below is a selection of posters and images to illustrate these activities

Previous Public Events!

All current Thanet Coast Project Public Events can be viewed on the Events page

Previous Thanet Coast Project Public Events are outlined on the poster/flyers. These events and activities are run by the Thanet Coast Project with the help of volunteers, mainly our Coastal Wardens:

Images and reports of these events can be viewed on the Facebook postings on the Thanet Coast: NE Kent Marine Protected Area Facebook pages.


Thanet Coast (NEKMPA)c/o Thanet District Council, PO Box 9, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent CT9 1XZ United Kingdom


Tony Child
Thanet Coast Project (NE Kent Marine Protected Area) Officer

Telephone: +44 (0) 1843 577672