Please report potential hazards or unusual items such as canisters, drums or oil affected birds washed up on the beach to help the authorities deal with any problems quickly.
Coastguard, Ambulance, Police or Fire
Phone: 999
If someone appears to be in trouble in the water
Call 999 and ask for Coastguard
If the incident is on the beach, above high water mark:
Environmental Agency – (Shore based hazardous pollution )
Phone: 0800 807060
If the incident is in the sea, below high water mark:
HM Coastguard, Dover – (Shipping pollution/incidents)
Phone: 01304 210008
If found stranded, injured or in distress on the beach, phone:
If found dead/alive, please do not touch or try to move it, report to:
Thanet Coast Project: 01843 577672
(Out of office hours, call Thanet District Council on 01843 577000)
Take oil-affected sea birds to your local veterinary centres:
Illegal fishing at sea, abandoned fixed nets, or unauthorised commercial collecting.
Contact Kent & Essex IFCA: 01843 585310
To report these incidents, call:
Kent Police Non Emergency reporting number: 101
Crime/Suspicious activity on the Kent coast: Kent Police (Project Kraken)
Notify: Anti-Social Behaviour (Thanet area – online link)
If you find fly tipping or graffiti on the beach:
Notify: Fly Tipping (Thanet Council)
Notify: Graffiti (Thanet Council)
Notify: Fly posting (Thanet Council)
(For Thanet: )
or contact the relevant Local Authorities concerned – Local bylaws on the foreshore for contact details
Notify: Dog Fouling (Thanet Council)
Owners are required to clean up after their dog in all public places. Several beaches are dog-free in the summer – look at our dog walking on the Thanet Coast advice or dog PSPOs (public space protection order) for details.
Contact Local Authorities – for local PSPOs on the foreshore.
Your local authority is responsible for local bylaws or public space protection orders (PSPOs); but there are also voluntary codes of conduct: Thanet Coastal Codes
Note: in some cases a criminal offence may also have been committed, and the police may need to be involved. However, you should leave this decision to the Council.
Thanet District Council: 01843 577000
Dover District Council: 01304 821199
Canterbury City Council: 01227 862000
Foreshore – Thanet Council (9am-5pm Monday – Friday): 01843 577274
Foreshore – Whitstable to Reculver (Canterbury): 01227 266719
112 Emergency number (any mobile around the world)
111 Non-emergency – Medical
101 Non-emergency – Police