Self-guided and other activities

Virtual & self-guided activities

Virtual Seashore Safaris

Explore Thanet’s chalk rocky shore for its fascinating rockpool wildlife. This series of videos have been produced by Thanet Coast volunteers to enable you to enjoy a virtual safaris yourself – and get a glimpse of what they found.

You can download the ‘Rockpooling Fun’ booklet to help you explore the rockpools. Watch the rockpooling responsibly video clip first….and also a few virtual safaris to see what you may find! Just arrange a safe time for your outling – check the weather & tide (best when it is going out – ebb tide – and over low tide), and ensure you have the right footwear, clothing and equipment for the weather

Further advice to help you explore:

New Virtual Seashore Safaris (August 2020): view online (1-5)

Great Eggcase & Scavenger Hunt – Online Pack

Use the pack to explore the ‘strandline’ at the top of the beach for items that have washed up along our shoreline – these often provide vital clues of the marine life from around our coast. Follow the pack instructions and try the challenge to identify your ‘Eggcase finds’ – and there’s an additional ‘BeachArt’ challenge at the end!

Scavenger & Eggcase Pack for a self-guided challenge – more details found on the Informal Learning Zone

The White Cliffs of Kingsgate – Self-led walk

Look out for this fantastic new walk trail booklet produced by Richard Hubbard – in time for his summer walks. Its a superb self-guide for a walk around the Kingsgate coastline.

Available to buy from the Margate Visitor information Centre (£5) with proceeds to go to the Thanet Coast Project! We are very grateful to Richard for all his research and hard work in producing this fabulous new walking trail and for this kind donation. Please note: you need a falling “low tide” to start the walk in Kingsgate as this section is subject to the tide and there is ahigth danger of getting cut-off if you mis-time your walk!

There are more opportunities for local community groups/visitors, and schools to have their own events or activities planned for a small cost, in addition to the Thanet Coast Project events:

Destination Thanet Coast (2015-17)

This project was funded through the Coastal Communities Fund and aimed to establish a more sustainable events programme for local groups and visitors to access our coastline – Thanet’s largest open space. The project aimed to build capacity for volunteering, and included both natural and historic heritage components. Keep a look out on the Thanet Tourism’s pages Our Coast and included a free educational toolkit and in their Things to Do & what’s On sections.

Educational Events & Activities – School Excursions

The Thanet Coast Project can assist with your educational excursions to the Thanet Coast – with setting up and running activities such as ‘Seashore Safaris’ (looking at the shorelife diversity and adaptation on the Thanet Coast’s chalk reef) to ‘Scavenger Hunts’ and ‘Beach Cleans’.

Get in contact with the Thanet Coast Project, to discuss tailored events, costs or to find out more: In the Canterbury area, you can contact the Foreshore Services at Canterbury City Council on 01227 266719.


Thanet Coast (NEKMPA)
c/o Thanet District Council,

PO Box 9, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent CT9 1XZ
United Kingdom


Tony Child
Thanet Coast (NE Kent Marine Protected Area) Officer
Telephone: +44 (0) 1843 577672
(based in Manston Road Depot)