The Thanet coast is a valued open space used by many people for recreational activities. It is also highly valued for its plants, animals and birds. Local people agreed that a series of voluntary codes could help safeguard the area’s coastline and wildlife, whilst encouraging people to use the coast responsibly and safely.
The Codes were written jointly by people involved in coastal activities and the Thanet Coast Project, and individuals and clubs are encouraged to support them. They will also be reviewed from time to time.
The first set of Thanet coastal codes were developed in 2002. The codes are reviewed by stakeholders on a regular basis, and shown online. If you would like to comment on any of the codes, please contact us so that they can be considered when next reviewed. They are due to be reviewed in line with Thanet’s new Beach and Coast PSPO (2021) and related Code of Conduct
Please click on the links to see the codes online.
Please follow the Thanet Coastal Codes