This page provides online access support for volunteer Coastal Wardens in the North East Kent Marine Protected Area (NEKMPA) with background information and essential links. If you are walking down to the beach, please remember to do so safely – as per guidance and risk assessment.
Coastal Warden News 2024/25
(see old newsletters at the bottom of this webpage)
a) Coastal Incidents, and b) Wildlife or Strandings
This reporting mechanism allows for incidents and wildlife records to be sent in by volunteers – and allows for an image to be uploaded at the end (if you have a google account, otherwise, please email to us at: ). Incidents are referred from the Thanet Coast Project to the appropriate agency or authority to be aware or deal with, & are used as the basis for informing the NEKMPA Advisory Group (NEKSCAG) & Management Group on what is going on around our coast.
There are two types of reports:
a) INCIDENTS [HUMAN based observation] eg pollution items, oil washed ashore; antisocial behaviour to shellfish-harvesting, fixed shore nets, large amounts of bycatch washed ashore etc.
b) WILDLIFE SIGHTINGS and STRANDINGS [WILDLIFE based observation] eg seals, harbour porpoise, jellyfish, or unusual finds on the beach that you have seen around the NE Kent coast (eg after cold weather or storms).
Whilst the date, time, location (& GPS) and type of record is important, please write a concise ‘note’ of the incident; followed by a longer ‘description’ (if needed) and any ‘further action’ you have taken (such as reporting anti-social activities to the police; people in distress to Coastguards, or live animal strandings to the BDMLR or RSPCA) – so we know if further action is required.
Please enter the GPS coordinates for a more precise location of your report. You can get these from Google Maps: (or alternatives sites). To get these from Google maps, 1) LEFT Click on the location on the map; & then 2) CLICK on the ‘COORDINATE numbers’ shown in the tiny box which comes up , and 3) from the coordinates that appear on a large box, please COPY & PASTE these onto the form (but use the numbers only; without mentioned N & E)
Photos are extremely useful for verifying reports, observations, identification or location – helping organisations to response to an incident. Photographic files can be uploaded in this form, as long as you have a google account. Alternatively you can submit the form, and send images directly to us at: [Please remember, NEVER put yourself in any danger taking photos especially if these may inflame a sensitive situation!]
GUIDANCE NOTES: please see pages 10 to 12 of the Introductory Coastal Wardens Training Notes (2023)
Surveys: We are aiming for at least four surveys a month – please survey around HIGH & LOW tides by choosing two week days surveys (during that week starting on the Monday); and then for two weekend days – you can choose your dates/times; & complete as many surveys as possible!
2 WEEKDAY SURVEYS (eg 1st full-weekend) – one HIGH tide, & one LOW tide
2 WEEKEND SURVEYS (eg 3rd weekend) – one HIGH tide, & one LOW tide time
2024 | Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec |
2 x week day surveys | Mon 1 LT=9:09 HT=14:52 | Mon 5 HT=6:50 LT=13:34 | Mon 4 LT=11:31 HT=17:26 | Mon 1 LT=11:00 HT=16:43 | Mon 6 HT=10:53 LT=17:51 | Mon 3 HT=9:38 LT=16:22 | Mon 1 HT=8:09 LT=14:42 | Mon 7 LT=8:00 HT=13:13 | Mon 2 HT=12:17 LT=19:19 | Mon 7 LT=9:14 HT=14:30 | Mon 4 LT=7:24 HT=12:38 | Mon 2 LT=6:30 HT=11:53 |
2 x Week end surveys | Sat 13 LT=7:36 HT=12:50 | Sat 10 HT=11:52 LT=19:01 | Sat 18 HT=10:48 LT=17:54 | Sat 13 LT=10:13 HT=15:39 | Sat 11 LT=9:12 HT=14:35 | Sat 8 LT=8:18 HT=13:39 | Sat 13 LT=11:31 HT=17:13 | Sat 19 LT=10:19 HT=15:48 | Sat 14 HT=9:00 LT=15:47 | Sat 12 HT=6:50 LT=13:39 | Sat 9 LT=10:55 HT=17:00 | Sat 14 HT=10:06 LT=17:14 |
Ramsgate tide times shown, HT = High Tide & LT = Low Tide.
ACTIVITY SURVEY FORM – for on the coast (2020, PDF 250KB) – please click to view
GUIDANCE NOTES: See pages 3 to 9 of the Introductory Coastal Wardens Training Notes
Please submit your data by using the downloadable SPREADSHEET below and emailing them to
If you have google – Activity Survey data 2020 – Google {link}
If you don’t have google – Activity Survey data 2020 – NON-Google {link}
Please refer to the guidance notes on submitting the data. If you are unable to make a survey date/time, please just choose days that you can make! Try to add extra surveys whenever you visit your bay. The more surveys we have for your bay or stretch of coastline, the more analysis we can do at the end of the year.
Please remember: no action will be taken from comments or observations submitted in these reports, so if something needs NEEDS TO BE DEALT WITH straight away (eg dead stranding; contamination on the beach; dumped rubbish; graffiti) you will NEED TO TELEPHONE or/& SEND AN INCIDENT REPORT – see next main heading above.
Health & Safety – Please see page 13 of the Introductory Coastal Wardens Training Notes; and Risk Assessment on pp18-21.
Here’s a link to view the list and maps of the adoptable sections around the North East Kent coast:
BAY REFERENCE LIST and MAPS (link) of Coastal Warden’s adopted bays.
Bay Reference numbers – Thanet Map (JPeg, 433KB):
© Crown copyright and database rights Ordnance Survey 100018261
Here’s a copy of the notes/booklet you received at the introductory session:
*note: North East Kent Marine Protected Area (Thanet Coast) should read:
CLOSED FACEBOOK PAGE – For Coastal Wardens:
You can post your ‘images’ and talk to your fellow volunteers on this closed facebook page and share your finds, images, information, events, add comments & start discussions amongst fellow volunteers.
For further NEKMPA background information, please browse the Thanet Coast (NEKMPA) website
Download a copy of the:
– Kent Biodiversity Strategy (2020-45) (MPAs/ intertidal & subtidal chalk / reference species)
– Making Space for Nature 2023, KCC & Partnership (link)
– Thanet Local Plan 2020 & Strategic Access Management & Monitoring Plan – SAMM (TDC)
– Shoreline Management Plan 10 Isle of Grain to South Foreland (EA)
– South East Marine Plan (MMO)
– Kent Climate Change Risk and Impact Assessment & Kent Environment Strategy (KCC)
Climate Change:
– Thanet’s Energy & Climate Change
– Climate Change – Thanet – pledge, environmental action plan & further information.
– Thanet’s local Net Zero strategy 2023
Beneath the Water – non-native species reporting to i-reports
Information for volunteer helpers:
2024 Thanet Coast Project – public events application to Thanet Council.
Other: Feedback to NEKMPA Management & Advisory Group (NEKSCAG)
Annual Forum 2023:
NEKMPA Coastal Warden NEWS:
Other: Feedback to NEKMPA Management & Advisory Group (NEKSCAG)
The documents on this page are provided as .pdf files and you will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. If you have any suggestions or feedback for the Warden/Guardian Scheme please call us on 01843 577672, or